Bake Away update

Hello readers, today I am going to write another “2o time” update. The project is almost over, only a few weeks left. We have three more thing to make. In the beginning my group planned to m=bake the sweets together, but we failed at that. We failed because we don’t have time and it is just easier to make it at our own homes. So far people have been loving the sweets. Although others have rejected our treats, which doesn’t make sense because they are free and delicious. It’s hard to give them out at Leigh because most student rush to classes and don’t have time, those student’s are missing out, who doesn’t love free stuff especially food? I am excited to see our presentation at the end of the year. I hope that we made others happy because that makes us smile. I would do this every day if I could. That is all I have for today, thank you for reading, bye. hand

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